Our journey is a journey of faith and a step of obedience. We trust and know God will provide the resources.
3 Ways To Give
Give Prayer
Join us in prayer as we seek to obey the call to reach the communities around us with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We love and rejoice in fellow believers praying that God’s will be done and His people come to know Him. Pray with us.
Give Online
If you feel led to help us financially and jumpstart the church, please share by clicking the giving link below. If you are unable to give but want to support us on our mission, you can pray with us or give your time by joining our team at Redeemer Church. God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7)
Give Time
As we step out in bold faith, we need a community of fellow believers who stand with us as we share the love of Christ to the communities around us. Will you join our family and become family?